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DALL·E 2024-04-01 16.51.08 - Illustrate a unique scene where a ring of singular figs of va

Rapid Fig Facilitation 

Do you need an experienced and accomplished facilitator to run your meeting, workshop, training program, or program series?

Jon Rappoport possesses years of experience leading groups to better outcomes - expertly reading the room to unearth broad participation and engagement, asking the right questions, and solidifying crucial alignment across teams.

With an empathy-first approach and a light touch, Jon can be the fertilizer that jumpstarts your team's productivity and growth. He will work with you to develop an agenda and the interactions needed to achieve the goals you have in mind.


(He manages the time well, too, including much-needed breaks.)

Please reach out if you have something in particular in mind or would like to discuss the possibilities.


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